Finger Lakes National Forest, Scaling Lucifer’s Wall, and Three Falls at Lick Brook

Ithaca cable channel 13, Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. and Sundays at 10:00 a.m.

An old growth white pine tree rises above the forest canopy in Finger Lakes National Forest.

The current episode of our public access TV show, Cayuga Lake Heritage, on Ithaca’s cable channel 13, features another great video by Michael Ameigh of SUNY Oswego: Highland Homestead: Life on the Hector Backbone, about the Finger Lakes National Forest straddling the divide between Cayuga and Seneca Lakes.

The second part of the show includes my short video called Scaling Lucifer’s Wall. It shows park employees rappelling down the high cliff by Lucifer Falls at Robert H. Treman State Park, knocking off winter-loosened shale to minimize the risk of stones falling on the trail below when the gorge opens later this spring. This short video is an episode for a new YouTube channel I’ve begun called Walk in the Park, which is also a Facebook page I’ve created. I may begin showing Walk in the Park episodes on their own on PEGASYS public access.

You can watch Scaling Lucifer’s Wall here!

This current episode of Cayuga Lake Heritage will run through Sunday, April 24.

In the previous episode, I included another short video called Three Falls at Lick Brook. You can see that here as well:

About owlgorge

I live in Ithaca, NY and I used to work for the Finger Lakes State Parks Region as environmental educator. My wife and I have published two books about the area, one about Ithaca and the other about Watkins Glen State Park. Find out more at
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2 Responses to Finger Lakes National Forest, Scaling Lucifer’s Wall, and Three Falls at Lick Brook

  1. Nice job, Tony. I liked seeing the wall scalers; I never knew the walls had to be ‘cleaned’ that way every Spring.
    I also liked the Treman video. My critique is that the word titles stayed on too short for me to read; I had to replay and stop them on my computer to finish the sentence.
    Also, I would have appreciated more narrative from you, as you know so much, and the formations are so interesting. I learned a lot from you on the Cayuga Lake boat tour, and would have wanted to know more about Treman…

    • owlgorge says:

      Hi, Charlene
      Thanks for the praise and feedback. I’m not sure which video you mean by “the Treman video.” Is it one in this post, or “The Treman Show” reached by the link at the side of the page?

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